Xcel viewer for mac
Xcel viewer for mac

xcel viewer for mac

Viewing of matrix images or image plots with the Windows Viewer requires ImagePack file download (see FAQ section).

xcel viewer for mac

  • Explorer panel support for extra-large icons view, mouseover graph previews, icon or details views of windows, show/hide columns of details view (Windows only).
  • Support for viewing and rotating Origin's 3D OpenGL graphs.
  • Graph zoom in, zoom out and whole page (restore) views.
  • New - Support for Origin 2019 plot types including Parallel, Cluster, Violin and 3D Tetrahedral.
  • OPJU files saved in the latest versions can be converted to the older OPJ format.

  • New - Mac Viewer support for the newest OPJU, OGGU, OGWU file types (introduced in Origin 2018).
  • The Viewer 9.6.5 is compatible with the latest version of Origin - Origin 2019.
  • Available in 32- and 64-bit Windows versions and in a native Mac version.
  • The Origin Viewer 9.6.5 is easily distributed as a single file - no installation needed.
  • Read a review of the Origin Viewer in Scientific Computing World. If you have been given an OPJU file and cannot open it in your older version of Origin, (1) download and run this Viewer ( no installation needed!), (2) drop your OPJU file onto the Viewer and (3) choose File: Save Project As and save as OPJ.


    For backward compatibility, Origin users and non-users alike will appreciate that the free Viewer 9.6.5 can convert OPJU files to the older OPJ format. These files cannot be opened in pre-2018 versions of Origin (Origin 2018 and newer versions retain the ability to save files in the older OPJ format). Origin 2018 introduced a new Unicode-compliant (UTF-8) project file type - the OPJU file. If you are collaborating on a report or manuscript, pack the Viewer along with your project file, and the lead author can copy and paste your data and graphs where needed, into the document.

    xcel viewer for mac

    Double-click to run the executable, drop your Origin project file onto the Viewer and you are ready to go. In addition, because the Viewer can be carried on a thumb-drive, it allows for impromptu sharing of Origin data and graphs in meetings and classroom settings. Non-users will find the Origin project's "folder and file" structure to be be intuitive and easy to navigate. The Viewer does not require installation and it is quickly mastered, making it an ideal way to share your Origin data with colleagues who may not be Origin users. This updated Viewer supports Origin's newest OPJU project file and window file (OGGU, OGWU, OGMU) formats, as well as the older OPJ and OGG, OGW, and OGM file formats. The Origin Viewer 9.6.5 is a freely distributed, standalone application that allows viewing and copying of information contained in Origin project files and Origin window files, on computers that do not have Origin installed.

    Xcel viewer for mac